Today we learnt about anzac silhouette with google drawings.We learnt how to use polylines.We used to the fill button. I learnt to make a moon and other stuff only using the shapes.My favourite part was setting the silhouette and the graves and to make our own gradient background

Book Character Day

On friday it was Dress up day we had to dress up as our Book. Not but  everyone wore a costume I was meant to bring batman I didn’t have the suit. I was so angry so I just wore my All blacks T-shirt but its still in my bag.I was scared to wear my All blacks T-shirt because I thought I wasent allowwed because there was no book about it.The guys name on the is Ofa tuungafasi.

Visual Mihi

Today I learnt about Visual Mihi With Matua Aina. I learnt about the stuff I like. I put my favourite rugby team and favourite sport. I like to Takle and run with the ball and to defend the attaking player.I used to play for mangere east and karearea now I play for papakura sea eagals. I like to play rugby because I can learn how to defend and to attack the defending player.I put the Tongan flag because it is my country and I support. I have Traning on Tuesday and Thursday and my real game is on saturday. Rugby is about having fun and learning.


Today I learned important facts about ANZAC Day and how we commemorate this day as a country. We feel grateful for all the soldiers who sacrificed there lives for us to make our country free from war and peacful for us to live in. We learnd how the Returned soldiers pull out there uniforms and their medels every year to commemorate thier achievements alongside their comrades. We thank the soldiers that made world war 3 free from war.Those soldiers wanted to let us have world peace and to have a good life




ANZAC Biscuits

However, there was often a lag of two or three years between when a recipe became popular and when it was published in a cookbook. Reynolds said golden syrup was “absolutely essential” to Anzac biscuits – “don’t change it for honey, don’t change it for anything else”.


 Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Cor (ANZAC) established in World War 

The sensible wives and mothers knew that the biscuits would not keep long and because of the war rationing, eggs were not always in ready supply.”

During World War I, wives and mothers began sending the biscuits to soldiers at the front, and they became known as ‘Red Cross biscuits’ or ‘soldiers’ biscuits’.

These golden cookies are also often the first recipe that a lot of Aussie and Kiwi kids learn to bake.


They range from super-chewy to mega-crisp. They’re buttery, with the smoky warmth of golden syrup and the fragrance of coconut and oats throughout. They’re totally delicious, and perfect to dunk into a cup of tea or coffee (whether it’s been perked up with a splash of rum or not).

It’s a popular myth that they’re called Anzac biscuits because they were shipped to the Anzac soldiers during the war. However, while it’s true that they travel excellently and don’t contain any ingredients that easily spoil, the name “Anzac biscuits” didn’t meet up with these buttery, oaty cookies until the 1920s. In reality, the biscuits were more often made at home to sell for fundraising, or to serve at fetes and other events held to raise money for the war effort, and it’s this connection between the biscuits and the war that led to the use of the name “Anzacs”.


Building a smart footprint Reputation


Today I learnt about smart footprint so we can leave smart footprints when we go online.I learned to use manners and use jamboard. I learned how to use sticky notes on jamboard. I learned to say kind stuff to people.I am responsible to blog my own learning.I know how to say kind words and show manners.I know how to show kaitiakitanga and rangatiratanga.

Narrative writing

One morning me and my samurai friend were being chased by some mafia bosses. We ran up a really big hill and saw a cave. We entered the cave and we lost them. We came back out to run home and get all of our 

katanas. We got our katanas and went back to the really big hill and in the cave but we saw a friendly tiger. We went up to the tiger and told the tiger to follow us up into the cave but then we got lost. We lost the tiger and our katanas because we forgot them outside. We shouted out the word tiger but he will not growl back.We were both devastated we both said our names because it was too dark.i called david and david called me (akio) then me and david saw light and we followed the light then we found our katana and the tiger.The end

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